路由# 321076470

的方法 为一个目标存钱

2024年6月8日 12分钟

无论你是否在建立应急基金, 为度假攒钱或有兴趣买房子, 不管你的收入如何,存钱的方法不止一种.

即使每周或每月存一小笔钱,也会产生巨大的影响! 在这里,我们总结了15种省钱的方法. 不是每个想法都适合你, but even stacking three or four strategies can help you come up with the funds you need.

审查 未偿债务

省钱最简单的方法之一就是减少每月的开支. If you have debt, refinancing to a lower interest rate will often result in a lower monthly payment. 如果你正在努力实现你的储蓄目标, you can direct the difference between the old payment and the new payment toward that objective.

也, 如果你还了额外的贷款, it may be better to stop doing that so you can allocate more money toward your goal. This is especially true if the interest rate on your loans is relatively low or similar to today’s rates for the specific type of loan. 如果是这样的话, then think about focusing on building your savings rather than funneling more money to pay down your debt.

然而, 如果你有高息债务, 比如信用卡, 在为你的目标存钱之前,你应该先把钱还清. Those interest charges can tank your budget, so it’s best to eliminate that debt ASAP.

因此,如果你存钱,得到5%的利息,但以10%的利率偿还债务, 偿还债务更有意义.

建议 省钱

1. 每月存钱. 如果你想为一个主要目标存钱,你应该定期存钱. 在你每月的预算中为你的目标做出贡献. Examine your expenses and decide how much you can afford to set aside for your goal. You may want or need to cut in other areas to free up money for your new goal.

2. 开一个综合账户. 这些账户由许多机构提供,包括Patelco. With a round-up account, your purchases are automatically rounded up to the nearest dollar. 差额存入储蓄账户. 例如,如果你用借记卡买了25美元.60美元的汽油,购买金额四舍五入为26美元和0美元.40元进入你的储蓄账户. 所有 Patelco检查 账户可以让你做到这一点 加检查 帐户甚至会给你10%的奖金匹配,以帮助你节省更多的钱. 这是一种无需思考就能省钱的简单方法.

3. 开一个高收益储蓄账户. 高收益储蓄账户,比如我们的 货币市场帐户,提供比一般储蓄帐户更高的利率. 这将加快你的储蓄速度,所以为你的目标节省更少的时间. The more money you have in your savings account, the more it will grow from compound interest.

4. 多在家吃饭. 说到省钱, 你能做的最好的事情之一就是尽可能在家里吃饭. 自带午餐上班,而不是和同事一起吃午饭. 把容易冷冻的食物放在手边,而不是叫外卖. 使用准备食物的策略,使烹饪晚餐更容易. 然后把省下来的钱用于实现你的目标.

5. 找一份副业. If you’re not making enough from your day job for extra savings, it’s time to increase your income. 你可以通过副业来做到这一点. Or, 如果你想要更多的结构, 你可以找个临时的, 兼职工作, 比如假期在商店做季节性工作. 把你从这份工作中赚到的钱都用来实现你的目标.

6. 出售的物品. 如果你和大多数人一样, you have tons of unwanted items in your home just collecting dust. 从上到下检查每个房间,找出你不需要的东西. 然后,确定销售这些物品的最佳方式. 可能需要几个星期才能把所有的东西都卖掉, 这取决于你是想快速赚钱还是想最大化你的利润.

7. 设置自动传输. Setting up automatic transfers from your checking account into your savings account can help you save without having to do it manually every month. Patelco Online™使这一切变得简单. 只是 登录 然后选择Transfer & 付款,然后转账或付款. 每周或每月安排一次转账. If you rely on yourself to do it manually, you’ll likely skip a transfer so you can spend that money.

8. 为你的目标分配意外之财. 如果你和大多数人一样, 每隔一段时间, 你得到了一笔意外之财——一堆你意想不到的钱. 它可能是奶奶的生日支票,退税或工作奖金. Take a percentage of your windfall – as much as you can stomach – and put it toward your goal. You can still use part of the windfall to treat yourself, but make sure it’s only a small portion.

9. 放弃一项“额外”开支. 我们大多数人会为我们并不真正需要的东西买单. And if you haven’t reviewed your spending habits lately, you might be surprised at what you find. Go through your most recent bank and credit card statements and pick one item you’re willing to live without until you’ve reached your goal. Maybe it’s your daily latte, your streaming video subscription, or your quarterly beauty box. Put the money that you would normally spend on that item in your savings account. You don’t have to give it up forever – just until you’ve met your savings goal. And maybe you’ll realize that you’d rather have that money instead permanently.

10. 开一个储蓄帐户. If possible, open a new savings account that doesn’t have a debit card attached to it. 然后,每个月从你的薪水中存一笔固定的钱. 几乎每家公司都允许直接存款分割, so you could have funds to cover your regular expenses put into your checking account and the rest put into your emergency fund.

It may sound obvious but keeping your savings in a savings account – rather than a checking account – can help you reach your goal faster. 储蓄账户也有利息, so you’ll reach your goal faster than if you keep the money in a checking account.

Some people even find it helpful to keep their goal amount in its own savings account. This can help you avoid accidentally spending that money because you forgot that it’s not just part of your emergency fund.

11. 使用30天规则. 如果你有购物癖,那就制定一个30天规则. When you see a non-essential item you want to buy, make yourself wait 30 days before purchasing. Doing this will help you decide if you actually want the item – or can live without it. 如果你在30天结束前忘记了, then you know it was an impulse purchase and not something that you actually want.

12. 找一个负责任的伙伴. When you’re trying to save for something special, it can feel isolating to cut back on spending. 这就是为什么有一个目标相似的问责伙伴会有所帮助. 你们可以定期联系,让彼此保持进度. 你可以给你的问责伙伴发短信, 例如, 当你想要打破预算的时候.

13. 设定小目标. 如果你的目标需要很长时间才能实现, 考虑在这个过程中设定小目标并给予小奖励. 例如, 如果你在为房屋首付存钱, 每省下5美元,你就可以犒劳一下自己,000. 这样做会让你更有动力坚持下去, 即使感觉要花很长时间.

14. 买二手物品而不是新的. The next time you want to buy something – whether a new TV for the living room or a new jacket for work – look for a used item instead of buying new. You can 省钱 buying used and might even find a better quality item that will last longer. Sometimes you can even find the item for free by looking at sites like 免费的cycle or the Buy Nothing project. 购买二手产品会帮助你为你的目标注入更多的钱.

15. 寻找漏洞. Another easy way to 省钱 is to review where you are spending money on a recurring basis and cut expenses that aren’t providing enough value. 例如, are you getting enough value from all of the streaming channels you’ve subscribed to? 也许可以取消订阅那些你不是每周都看的节目. Instead, subscribe when you are ready to binge watch that series that you love. 还要查看任何按年续订的订阅. 通常情况下,这些贷款的月租率会更高.

实现 多种策略

达到储蓄目标的最好方法? 使用上面列出的两种或两种以上的策略. If you can combine a few different ideas at once, you can hit your goal faster.

也, don’t be afraid to rotate some of the ideas listed above so you don’t get burnt out. 学习如何省钱是一个终生的过程. 把它当成一场马拉松,而不是短跑. 谁知道呢? Maybe some of the things you implement as a temporary measure will become permanent changes.


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